
Interactive workshop

Ineke Botter

Leading teams in extreme circumstances, globally

Ubuntu filosofie en leiderschap

Omgaan met conflict en pijn

Inclusie en diversiteit via dialoog

Psychologische veiligheid

6 lessons for better prepared leaders


The workshop aims to prepare leaders to work in very challenging situations, abroad. Based on her experience Ms. Ineke Botter (CEO Mobile Networks and Author) – who led teams in emerging markets for several decades – invites established and future international business leaders to discuss the reality of doing business in complex environments.

The motto of this workshop is: ‘Forewarned is forearmed’ – going in blind is guaranteed failure.

Ineke Botter will zoom in on her own lessons learned and facilitate interaction and dialogue on 6 important topics:

1. Choosing team members for multinational teams
2. International teams; importance of culture and language
3. Working internationally under very high pressure (and high fines)
4. Working in very difficult circumstances (war, unrest, disasters)
5. What to do after a traumatic experience?
6. Working in difficult political and unfamiliar cultural conditions

After this workshop international business leaders and decision makers will be better prepared for taking responsibility in challenging international assignments.

Ineke Botter

CEO Mobile, Innovator, Author

Ineke Botter went to work in the mobile telecommunications industry from 1991 and held senior management (CxO, CEO and BoD level) positions in Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Kosovo, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Haiti and currently East Africa.

Ineke Botter and her teams have received many awards; from the best CSR, best branding, best technology programmes to recognitions from the UN for the work she and her team did for the UN investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri. She also received a personal award as Best International Manager whilst working in Azerbaijan.

There are currently less than 1000 mobile networks globally and Ms. Botter was one of the very few female CEOs in the mobile industry. She is also the first one who gives us an insight in this unknown world where so many stakeholders have enormous, vested interests. Her job especially in very challenging countries was to make sure that ‘all noses are pointed the same direction’.

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Inspiratie en zingeving

Van rolmodellen en industry leaders

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Op mens, organisatie en maatschappij

MasterFundamentals, vertrouwd door klanten en gebruikers van o.a.


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